Club Triples Tournament 2012

Milwaukee bowlers competed in the club’s 2012 triples tournament Saturday June 23rd.  Triples teams of men and women who bowled together during morning and afternoon games also enjoyed a barbecue lunch on the clubhouse  terrace and cocktails afterwards. Thanks to tournament coordinator Jim Grzybowski for a successful event.   Congratulations to the top four winning teams and first year bowlers Dat Nguyen, Rebecca Nguyen, and Rosie Landgraf.



  1. Jim Grzybowski / Dat Nguyen / Rebecca Nguyen (team pictured above)
  2. Paul Legwinski / Pat Wimmer / Rosie Landgraf
  3. Rob Behncke / Phil Posard / Janet Neu
  4. John Adamski / John McKay / Jack Abrams

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