Board of Directors
December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024
President: Mark Mathwig
Vice President: Scott Lehmann
Secretary: Dawn Majewski
Treasurer: Barb Blaney
Directors (year elected for 3-year term)
2021: Dale Parsons
2022: Steve Hoelter
2023: Nick Schneider
Standing and Special Committees
The audit Committee shall consist of two persons, excluding the President and Treasurer, to audit the financial records of the club for the preceding fiscal year and submit a written report to the Board of Directors.
Chairperson: Barb Blaney
The Games Committee arranges the makeup of club leagues and tournaments and coordinates rink usage for all games in consultation with the Greens Committee. The Games Committee establishes fees for club tournaments and social events and provides transparency of league and tournament results.
Chairperson: Scott Lehmann
The Greens Committee shall supervise the maintenance and upkeep of the bowling greens and all related equipment; shall prepare the greens for play; and shall rule on playing conditions, such as use of sheets or temporary closure.
Chairperson: Nick Schneider
The Grounds Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the grounds between the greens and perimeter fence including landscaping, shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of the benches, picnic tables, and exterior clubhouse; shall work with the Milwaukee County Parks Department to ensure the maintenance of the grounds surrounding the clubhouse and fence.
Chairperson: Steve Hoelter
The House Committee shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the clubhouse and related furniture and equipment; shall keep an accurate inventory of physical property; and shall keep order by establishing and enforcing such rules as it may deem necessary, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Chairperson: Barb Blaney
Marketing & Promotion
The Marketing and Promotion Committee shall be responsible for the publicity and promotion of Club activities to the community and press; shall provide and update information about the Club to the Central Division and Bowls USA; shall work with the Games Committee to encourage participation in regular games and tournaments; shall work with the Membership Committee to actively recruit and retain members.
Chairperson: Dawn Majewski
The Membership Committee shall receive all applications for membership; shall make suitable recommendations of membership to the Board of Directors; shall turn over all collected dues and assessments to the Treasurer for deposit; shall provide the Secretary with the names and updated contact information of all members; shall assign new member to mentors; shall provide new members with a copy of the bylaws, rules of bowling, and a club name tag.
Chairperson: Mark Mathwig
Group Events
The Group Events Committee shall respond to event inquiries, book events, recruit club members to volunteer at events, collect the appropriate event fees and then turn over fees to the treasurer; communicate event bookings with the Greens Committee and website administrator; support efforts of the Membership Committee to convert event guests to members.
Chairperson: Dale Parsons
The Sunshine Committee shall support our members in times of need including bereavement, illness or injury; submit a $25 donation to the USLBA Memorial Fund in the event of a member’s death; send condolences in the event of tragedy involving others in the lawn bowling community.
Chairperson: Glorianne Mather